
Today's J. Post cartoon, with predecessor

In the same vein as my winter weather cartoons, I recycled characters from a previous unpublished cartoon for a later one on the same basic subject--in this case, ridiculous military censorship.

idf military censor you keep that in there i may be allowed to keep only this hole plugged but by golly im going to do it right israeli press reporter finger in hole wall dike water pouring out gushing leaks
The current brouhaha is about Ben Zygier, a.k.a. "Prisoner X", the details of whose case were for a while forbidden from publication in the domestic Israeli press by IDF censors while at the same time being widely available from every single other available news outlet. Honestly, I understand where they're coming from, but this tactic is absolutely and completely ineffectual in the ultra-connected 21st century...

israeli press reporter journalist holding pencil and notepad looking at idf military censor okay now you can report it cat running out of bag anat kamm story
...And three years back, much the same thing went down with the scandal involving stolen IDF files being given to a journalist.

Drawn using:
No. 2 pencil (sketch) (both)
Black 0.4 mm pilot pen (both)
Black 0.5 mm needle-tip pen (1)
Black 0.5 mm pilot pen (2)
Serif PhotoPlus Starter Edition (1)
Serif PhotoPlus 6.0 (2)

1 comment:

  1. What about prisoner J, does anyone care about him! What about Pollard?!
