
Today's J. Post cartoon

Another variation on the theme of the hareidi Shabbos parking lot riots.

Drawn using:
No. 2 pencil (sketch)
Black 0.7 mm pilot pen
Black 0.4 mm pilot pen
Serif PhotoPlus 6.0


Photoshop website homepage mockups

My motto--well, one of my mottoes--is "It doesn't count as work if you have fun doing it." I apply this liberally to all of my homework assigments for the Computer Graphics course; these two were no exceptions.
The seal of the UC (United Countries) of 2012 is a combination of those of the US and UN. The Latin was fun to figure out ("In Deus Nos Fides" is "In God We Trust", and "Citius, Fortius, Satius", a corruption of the Olympics' motto, is "Faster, Stronger, Better"). You'll be seeing more about the Neogenix in the future.
I cannot, however, claim responsibility for the Photoshopped Robo-Pet pics, which I swiped off the Internet. (There were lots more that appeared when you accessed the different menus [not available here].)

Drawn using:
Adobe Photoshop CS3


Rister and Rob

This is the first-ever appearance of Rister Mogers. One day in 9th grade, I decided to write down in one of my notebooks several witicisms that sprung to mind. For some reason I also decided this would require a nominal narrator. There he is the top top left corner: Rister Mogers, a Spoonerism of "Mr. Rogers", who was well known for being an Authority on Everything But Especially Childhood.
Then I decided he needed a partner. Naturally. So I drew them on the opposite page. There you have them, back to back: the first appearance of Rister and... um, the other fellow.
The other fellow needed a name. Since I was then and now infatuated with Bob Hope and the concept of the Road Movies, Rister=Bing (weird name) so Bob=Rob. Rob went without a last name for a few weeks, and then one of my friends suggested "Banks". I laughed, but somehow it stuck. I planned on deliberately keeping his glasses small, but they grew while the shoes shrunk.
So, Rister Mogers and Rob Banks, best friends and hosts of That Ol' Rister & Rob Show ("Just Like Any Other Show Except When It Isn't"). Here you have them.

Drawn using:
No. 2 pencil


Dan, the non-monstrous monster

Back in seventh grade (2001) some of the guys in the class held semiregular Monster Drawing Contests, a tradition dating back to the previous year (when I was in a different school). I never won any of the title matchups, though I came close; I had drawn Dan but when the contests quietly folded, I was unable to use him, along with Panic in the Sheets, Cool Karate Guy IV, Bushintrein, and Haf-Ded, Rider of the Night Mare. Just as well; in my mind I knew that the 8-foot Dan wasn't actually monstrous at all, but actually quiet and docile, and belonged to a boy named Bob. I had, in fact, drawn him the way I visualized Stanley and Fluffy, the Plants that Ate Dirty Socks, even though I knew they really looked just like normal plants with cone-shaped leaves.

Drawn using:
No. 2 pencil


He just can't wait to be king

Did this one for a shirt back in early 2008.

Drawn using:
No. 2 pencil (sketch)
Black ballpoint pen


Today's jpost.com cartoon

Another 'toon that appeared online but not in print. (In fact, all week long the Post hasn't run any cartoons.)

A Swedish newspaper has accused the IDF of killing Palestinians and harvesting their organs. This latest permutation of the "blood libel" is patently laughable--and sickening.

Drawn using:
No. 2 pencil (sketch)
Black 0.7 mm pilot pen
Black 0.4 mm pilot pen
Serif PhotoPlus 6.0


The more things change, the more they stay the same

Or, what goes around comes around.

This appeared in the ShiurTimes in February of '08.

And this one, though unpublished, was drawn this week for the Post. The only thing that's changed is who's doing the talking: from Deputy Defense Minister (!) Matan Vilnai to Minister of Industry, Trade & Labour Binyamin Ben-Eliezer; the unfathomable sentiment remains the same.

Drawn using:
Pencil (sketch) (both)
Black ballpoint pen (a)
Blue ballpoint pen (a)
Black 0.7 mm pilot pen (b)
Black 0.4 mm pilot pen (b)



A doodle dashed off in a minute or two after reading Good Omens. These are the members of Them, a group of friends. Left to right: Wensleydale, Brian, Pepper and Adam (the Antichrist. If you want any more information, read the book yourself). And Adam's dog Dog.

Drawn using:
No. 2 pencil


The first Questor

If you don't count the X-Troop illustration, my first published work was a series of cartoons called "Questors" for local real estate newspaper Quest. This appeared along with two other pics in the January 2007 issue.

Drawn using:
Black ballpoint pen
Serif PhotoPlus 6.0 (lettering)


My Photoshop Final Project entries

These are the three poster mock-ups I created for the Final Project of the Photoshop part of my Computer Graphics course.

Drawn using:
Adobe Photoshop CS3
Adobe Photoshop CS4


Today's J. Post cartoon

Among much else, the Fatah General Assembly adopted a resolution terming Jerualem Palestine's eternal and undivided capital. In marked contrast, Israel's stance on the city in recent years has been somewhat less enthusiastic.

Drawn using:
No. 2 pencil
Black 0.7 mm pilot pen
Black 0.4 mm pilot pen
Black marker
Serif PhotoPlus 6.0


Today's jpost.com cartoon

Bit of a first for me--my past Jerusalem Post cartoons sometimes appeared on their website as well, but this is the first time one's been featured only online and not in print.

Ahmed Tibi--a democratically elected Arab member of Israel's parliament--gives the infamous "fist jab" to Khaled Abu Asba, one the perpetrators of the infamous Coastal Road Massacre, who was inexplicably allowed passage by Israel to Fatah's political convention. The other two are Fatah chairman Mahmoud Abbas (financed the 1972 Olympics attack) and Mohammed Dahlan (plotted a bombing specifically targeting a school bus). The line on the bottom was edited out, possibly for space purposes.

Drawn using:
No. 2 pencil (sketch)
Black 0.7 mm pilot pen
Black 0.4 mm pilot pen
Black marker
Serif PhotoPlus 6.0


Harry Potter Four-of-a-Kind

Drew this for a brother's school assignment a couple of years back. You know the game, right? There are seven sets.

Voldemort was the very first one I drew before I realized that I had to scale them down to fit. Hence the balloon-head.

I pictured Cedric as one of those stereotypical jock types.

I'm really proud of how the Gryffindor lion turned out.


Drawn using:
No. 2 pencil


Today's J. Post cartoon

Obama (and the rest of the world) wants Israel to freeze the settlements, including natural growth; but evicting Arab squatters from Jewish property in East Jerusalem? Heaven forfend!

Drawn using:
No. 2 pencil (sketch)
Black 0.7 mm pen
Black 0.4 mm pen
Serif PhotoPlus 6.0


Denizens of the Deep

This was even earlier, back in 7th grade. I got bored and began doodling some random monsters, starting with the Godgob and Hila. Then came the Iksbo and the Mikat. Then the Ri. I drew 'em all down on a pizza cardboard along with the faces of biologist adventurers Rex DeRamna (definitely not 1 1/2) and Archie McAnnem (the brain and the brawn, respectively), the Zonpur (which enjoys nibbling on human toenails), and the Grobsiev (really a Horrible Hopping Hindsight shamelessly stolen from The Phantom Tollbooth). The Wa-Ah and Fegeaux (my least favorite creation) were added in later to fill out space. They are all found on Acribofunta, the sole continent on a post-apocalyptic Earth where much of the flora and fauna is still being discovered.
Hilae feed on Godgobs by hypnotizing them. During mating season male Iksbos grow additional spikes and armor. No one knows yet how Grobsievs feed themselves. Why "Denizens of the Deep"? No idea. The only aquatic creature (not counting the swamp-dwelling Hila and Godgob) is the Zonpur.

Drawn using:
No. 2 pencil